Asylum Chapel wedding photographer

asylum wedding photographer, maverick project, cool and creative bride and groom photo between candles in decaying church peckham london

 Asylum Chapel Wedding Photographer

Congratulations! If you are looking for someone to document your wedding photography at the Asylum Chapel, you have come to the right place.

I am delighted to say that I adore this London wedding venue and would be delighted to be your Asylum wedding photographer. As a London wedding photographer, I am very familiar with Asylum Chapel wedding venue and I had the pleasure of photographing many weddings at the Asylum already. It helps that I live 15min drive away too!

 The Asylum Chapel is one of the best London wedding venues. This is a fact. It is a dream of many London wedding photographers. If you would like to see a recent Asylum wedding shot by me click here.

The crumbling walls, fading murals, and stained glass windows of this decaying building of Asylum Chapel provide a special atmosphere for wedding ceremonies. Currently, the building is run by Maverick Projects offering this space for Maverick weddings, events and art project hire.

The amazing space invites me to capture your wedding photography at Asylum like no other.

Imagine hosting there a summer wedding ceremony filling the space with fresh field flowers or an autumn/winter one with candlelight and an intimate atmosphere, making my wedding photography at Asylum Chapel unique and creative.

Being a modern wedding photographer, my creativity is instantly ignited with the natural charm that the Chapel and exteriors harbour.  There are lots of photographic opportunities for me there and the venue offers a different feel depending on the season and lighting conditions too.

Have a look at examples of autumn and winter weddings here and here.

These weddings of mine were also published in Rock My Wedding and Love My Dress wedding magazines!

Asylum Chapel and 100 Barrington wedding of Lexi and Tom

As I am a London wedding photographer, I can suggest nearby places for your friends and family to stay, as well as somewhere nice to go for dinner the night before your big day.  Your options are endless due to the fantastic location in the heart of Peckham, South London. As the Asylum Chapel hosts only ceremonies now, the wedding breakfast and party must be held elsewhere. Again, I’d be happy to recommend some London wedding venues if you need some inspiration for your big day.

Hi, I am Jo.

Choosing me as your Asylum wedding photographer would be choosing to have a very relaxed but documentary approach with a modern editorial twist.  I pride my work on being very intimate and organic like, capturing those perfect little things that you have created to make your perfect day special and unique to both you as a couple and to your wedding photography at Asylum Chapel.

I adore getting to know you as a couple in the lead up to your wedding so that I know what is important to you, what makes you smile and to feel that love between you both.  I am super down to earth and easy to get on and by the time of your wedding day, we will feel like friends.

Let’s chat! Tell me a bit about your plans using the form below.



Most of my couples book me upon recommendations, referrals and reviews from like minded couples.
Thank you!

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